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PVC Recycling

PVC recycling is a tricky business but with proven success. PVC is produced upwards of 20 million tons per year worldwide but because of the chemical construct and manipulation of PVC during production, this type of plastic is especially dangerous when incinerated or left in landfills. That’s why effective PVC recycling processes are so critical. 

The chemical composition also means recycling PVC needs to be handled carefully. That’s why mechanical PVC recycling, whereby a plastic grinder breaks down the waste material, is historically one of the longest standing and most understood among plastics. This also means that this PVC recycle process has also become one of the most advanced in mechanical recycling.

Reprocessing and recycling PVC is our specialty and we therefore have a very strong understanding of the material’s potential and sustainability. We know that using recycled PVC comes with significant social and environmental advantages but also makes good business sense, not just for us but for you too. 

Our PVC recycle process makes it easy for builders and manufacturers to efficiently get rid of their plastic waste plastic. We’ll buy the waste plastic from you and when we recycle PVC, the finished products (available in clean regrind plastic, plastic powder or PVC pellets) can be purchased at a more affordable rate for use in the manufacturing of new industrial applications with superior quality and durability. And while some recycled plastic may not produce the same quality as the original, products that use recycled PVC can achieve the same quality as using only original material. 

Contact us for more information on recycling PVC. 

Click here for information on purchasing recycled PVC.